About Our Name

The name Attribution Search was born out of three principles;

  • Attribution is a method used by Asset Managers and Hedge Funds to determine the drivers of performance of the investments they make.   This partners with the core purpose of Attribution Search and underpins everything we do; the allocation of High Performing Talent is key to the long term performance and growth of our clients.

  • Attribution by definition is to regard something being “caused” by a person.  Attribution search believes in causing outcomes of High Performance through the sourcing and placement of High Performing Talent.

  • An Attribution Analyst was the first placement made by our Founder Shane Ferguson almost two decades ago.  The principles outlined above have remained with him ever since and continue to do so for both him and all of Attribution Search staff when recruiting across the Buy Side.    

Our Fingerprint logo  symbolises Attribution Search’s approach to identifying unique talent and tailoring each search for our clients.

Our Strapline ”Buy Side Talent Allocator” is inspired by the process of Due Diligence that Allocators go through when allocating new cash and investment.  At Attribution Search, we are equally as thorough in our process of allocating High Performing Talent to Asset Managers and Hedge Funds.

We believe our clients and candidates buy into “WHY” we do what we do and not just “what” we do.

Our Director, Shane Ferguson on LinkedIn